Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ok, part 2 to catch us up!

Mikey was baptized on May 24th at 3 months old.

Here he is with Nino and Nina

The Servantez Clan

Here with Uncle Thad. He's JUST the uncle ;)

Aunt Irene!

Our little family!

Watching tv with dad.

Mikey just loves his Baby Einstein playmat. So much so that he was so comfortable one day and when I looked, he was asleep!

On June 11, Mike and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary. Unfortunately we have yet to go to dinner.

A practice run in the exersaucer started our promising....

but quickly went south!

On our way to Mikey's first Rockies game.

Cousin Nathan was there. He got to walk on the field with other kids from his baseball team!

With dad. See those ugly clouds in the background? We left right away which was smart. Shortly after people took shelter cause of the tornado warnings!

Napping in his favorite spot, his swing. I don't know what I'm going to do when he outgrows this or decides he doesn't like napping here anymore.

Here is Senior and Junior modeling the shirts I had made for them. Happy 1st Father's Day Mike.

Here is the clue that we have been messing with him too long. Meltdown!

I bought Mikey this seat cause I heard it helps when they are learning to sit up on their own. They don't know my son. He has a small attention span and then a meltdown. Except for the playmat. He'd lay in there for probably an hour.

Picture of his feet just because.

And here he is at 4 months old.

So now that we are caught up and Mikey is sleeping through the night, I can say that the blog will be updated more often.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Time to catch up!

It's been very busy around here. With Mikey's surprise arrival, our whole world was turned upside down for quite some time. Mike and I finally feel like we have somewhat of a handle on things. And then Mikey decides it's time to throw us for a loop! Everyday he's different, it's amazing!

Here is the last picture of me pregnant. We were on our way to our childbirth class and I had been having Mike take pictures of me so I could see how big I got during the last month. The baby had different plans.

Literally the next morning, we had our son. Michael James Servantez Jr. was born February 25, 2009. He weighed 5lbs, 2oz and was 18.5 inches long.

We got flowers and balloons.

Mikey had to take a car seat test to make sure he could come home with mom and dad.

Cousin Isaiah came to visit

So did Cousin T

Proud Daddy

Never without his toys. When my water broke, Mike immediately gathered every electronic he owns. He wouldn't want to be bored or anything.

Mikey passed his car seat and Mom and Dad took him home on February 28, 2009. Dad drove very carefully. It was the longest, most nerve racking ride of my life.

My baby shower was on the same day that Mikey went home so dad had his first few hours along with baby. Of course everyone was very generous and we still appreciate everything so much. We really have great families. Thanks mom!

Mikey turned 2 weeks old

3 weeks old

Mikey had his first bath. He was NOT happy.

This was our first trip to the mall. Mikey was 4 weeks old and was going to have his first pictures taken.

I'm pretty sure this is when he was 2 months old. I'm a bad mom!

Mikey received an Edible Arrangement from Uncle Thad in Seattle. He's JUST the uncle!

Mikey loved being in his sling early on. That is no longer true. I don't think my back could handle it nowadays.

Cousins Nathan and Isaiah came to vist and be silly. Isaiah is NOT happy in the swing.

Senior and Junior love sleeping like this. Apparently this is what goes on every morning after I've gone to work.

This is our first family picture at Cousin Leilani's Engagement Party.

Here's Mikey on his favorite play mat rolling over! Yay!

Mikey is ready to go on Mother's Day. 2.5 months old

With Grandma Teresa and cousins Shayla and AJ at Benihana's

Dad is already trying to get Mikey used to a baseball bat!

Just being too cute!

Ok, that's it for now. Look for another update to get us all caught up to date. Promise that Mikey and I will keep this updated a lot more often.