Kids need a lot of stuff on a daily basis. Does anybody know how much they need on a trip? A lot more! I tried to make sure we had enough but not too much.
Mikey's clothes
Gisele's clothes
I didn't really think too much about what I would wear until the last second. I wanted to make sure they had everything they needed.
We thought Mikey would have a hard time understanding that in order to get to Disneyland, you have to get on an airplane first. A few days before we left, I pointed to a plane in the sky and I told him we have to get on that plane. He said to me "How are we going to get up there? I don't have wings, birds have wings". He makes me heart melt on a daily basis.
He did awesome on the way over, the takeoff usually makes him very drowsy and within a few minutes he was asleep.
Gisele did pretty good too.
Huntington beach was beautiful but cold
Mike and I have been going back and forth trying to decide if we want to buy a double BOB. The mother of all double strollers. There is a company that rents them so we thought it would be a perfect way to test drive it in Disneyland. That thing was a beast! It did awesome for what we needed in Disneyland. Do I want it as my daily stroller? No. Mike loves it. We still haven't decided.
On our way to Disneyland
You might notice that we are just a bit shiny. It was so hot! We were pretty miserable most of the day. Luckily there is a lot of shade and plenty of A/C on most rides.
Napping in the BOB.
We spent the second day in California Adventure. Another hot day. Mikey wasn't too sure about Handy Manny but ended up giving him a hug. I thought he'd be excited so when I asked if he like him he said "Where's Dora?". Great.
My sweet... She did so good.
My Mikey... He doesn't usually do very well with heat but we were shocked that he didn't really complain. We bought him a spray with a fan and that was used more by all the kids as a toy rather than a way to cool down.
Even Nate loved the BOB. I thought he was going to get sores on his tongue after eating so many of those frozen lemonades.
We decided to take a break from California Adventure and go rest back at the hotel. While Mike and Gisele were napping, Mikey and I went for a walk.
My sleeping lil mama.
We wised up on the third day and spent the warmest part of the day at the pool.
Mommy had a fancy drink so Mikey got one too.
This is his "relax" position
Once we all got in a little nap, we got ready and headed back to Disney. Here's Mikey checking out Donald's boat.
Mikey's favorite ride was the teacups. He rode it once the first day and wouldn't stop talking about it. When we went back on the third day, he rode it three times in a row. He was so cute!
We were all exhausted by the end of that third day. But my sweet baby girl? She says sleep is for the weak. We took this picture at about 11pm.
On our last day in California, we took it easy and went to breakfast at the Grand Californian. It's a character breakfast, the same we went to last year. It's awesome!
Mikey had to warm up to Rafiki
We are finally home. I compare what Mike and I feel like to this Mickey chocolate/candy apple that I brought back. It's been bumped, bruised and not in perfect condition but happy and very glad to be home.
So that's it. Our vacation wrap up. I know people thought we were crazy to travel with a 2 year old and a 4 month old but we did it and the excitement I saw in Mikey's eyes made it all worth it. I'd like to say we'll skip a year and let Gisele be a little older but I'm not sure. He loved it so much at 2, I can only imagine how much more he'll love it when he's 3. Off to enjoy my Mickey apple.