Monday, February 20, 2012

Gisele at 11 months.

 These pictures get more and more difficult to take each month.  Gisele is so active these days and doesn't sit still for long. She crawls, climbs on everything, yells with delight and shows when she's very upset.  Gisele, just like Mikey, has taken a liking to my iPhone.  She's very aware of what she's seen me and Mikey do with it.  I promise she makes a swiping motion when she grabs it.  

Did I mention it's going way too fast? Since she's moving around so much on her own, I think she's pretty content and doesn't show much interest in walking.  There have been a few incidents of her taking steps from one couch to the other.  I know she's my last baby so I want her to stay little for as long as possible.  There has to be some sort of pause button. 

Valentine's Day

As Mikey gets older, each holiday becomes that much more enjoyable. I'm starting to look forward to things we can do together.  This year Mikey made Hershey Kiss necklaces (that mommy found on her new addiction Pinterest.  He also made a Valentine's card for Grandma and Grandpa.  For a three year old, I think Mikey has a really good memory.  I told him that Valentine's day was a special day to remember to tell people in your life that you love them very much.  He kept repeating that to me when I asked him what it meant.  He is so loving!!

Filling out his Valentines cards.

 Showing me how he colored his hands during our special project. 

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day!!! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gisele at 10 months

Oh this sweet little mami!!  I can't believe she's 10 months old.  And this little girl is all over the place.  She crawls, she climbs and she stands up on everything.  And poor Mikey is suffering the most because  her usual target is anything that belongs to him.  

Mikey always has to get in for a quick picture.  He sees me setting up Gisele for her picture and it's always the same reaction.  "Time for Mikey and sister to take a picture". And then 5 seconds later, he's bored and it's, "Ok, that's enough pictures".

She's just so sweet and cute.  Even when she's destroying the nicely folded laundry.  And that hair!!'s going by way too fast.

He cooks!

If you know Mike you know that he likes to take credit when I cook something good.  Well, more like he wants to share the credit.  It's usually something like "We made lasagna".  The "we" is me.  Or you may also know that he feels like because he saw Bobby Flay make it on the Food Network, then he knows how to make it too.  

But I like to give credit when it's due.  And it's due.  About a week ago, Mike told me not to worry about dinner.  He had it taken care of.  I felt relief/anxiety/excitement/dread.  I kept the kids busy in the living room while he worked.  I tried to make excuses to come into the kitchen and he kept shooing me out.

The result? Tilapia fish tacos with mango salsa!!! And it was muy delicioso.  Seriously, it was so good.  I could've had 5 of them.  

So now I can claim "We make fish tacos with mango salsa".